DIY Gift Giving

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More times than I like to admit, When I go out shopping for a gift giving event. The gift that I want to buy that initially seems great. But that item tends to lose a bit of its greatness once the price tag slaps me in the face. I quickly admit that i’m gift poor and that gift is definitely not within my gift giving budget. Isn’t That one of the worst things about shopping for gifts – knowing the gift you actually gave was your second or third choice? Of course it is, but it’s not the end of the world. Although it may seems like it. Continue reading for unique gift giving ideas on a budget.

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DIY Time

There are many gift giving ideas that can be completed on a dime (cheap) once you determine that there are items to give a loved one that you can make yourself! The ideas of gift creation and the wealth of craft supplies that are available to us now is enormous. Those resources can and should be utilized to create innovative gifts. Treasures for our friends and family members that they will appreciate and enjoy for many years to come.

Craft Stores

There are many discount craft supply stores that are a treasure trove of inspiration for the various gifts that we can create with our own hands. Designed with love for our closest family and friends. Most of these stores are well-stocked with craft supplies to meet many different demands and budgets. A bonus is the staff members at these places tend to be very knowledgeable in the craft area and will provide much needed help and ideas when we may get stuck.  A great online craft store is consumer crafts.  They have a sale of 20% off the entire store from June 7-9.  Check it out here.


Now the problem lies in what kinds of gifts you would like to give. By using your own craft supplies and getting the help of the discount craft supply stores, a gift giving decision will be easy! You will be able to create something unique and original for everyone on your list. Depending upon one’s individual likes and dislikes, you can accomplish all of this without breaking the bank.

Gift Giving Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Of course there are countless craft ideas and projects that can be completed at home. One of the most popular ones that is the rage all over the country is the craft of making homemade jewelry. It is possible to create a piece that any person would find it difficult to judge it was hand made by you.

Almost every female friend or family member will love a necklace, bracelet, or pair of earrings. Jewelry that is designed by you with attention and care. When you are making the jewelry pieces yourself, it is a great idea to use the many discount craft supplies that you will have available. One of the best things about making jewelry yourself is that it can be created to fit within any budget. Also, it is a special touch to receive a gift that really reflects the taste of the individual, and she can wear her piece proudly and brag that it was made especially for her by a local artisan!  A great online store to find jewelry findings is jewelry and  Check them out.

Another item that makes a classy yet elegant gift is an etched piece.  As you delve in to the world of etching you will find that you can make some of the most beautiful objects by using etching as a technique. Many people will be admiring your craft and they may even not believe that you are able to make such eye catching designs. Another bonus to etching is that you will find that this craft is not hard either. Etching will allow you to be able to do any glass that you would like, including mirrors.  You can read the whole post here.

etching gift gicing

Home made Gift Baskets

Another great gift idea that requires very few craft supplies is to make a basket of goodies for someone. This dynamic at home business has been a proven success for numerous entrepreneurs, and it is sure to please the friend or family member who receives this gift from you. You can make the most of the many discount craft supplies to decorate and design your basket, and then fill it with all sorts of goodies that will treat your recipient and make her feel loved.

Fill the one-of-a-kind basket with homemade baked goods such as cookies and breads, even jams and jellies. Some are even getting innovative and making their own soaps and candles for these baskets! Not only are you creating the basket but you are cooking and creating, giving your very best recipes and finished products to those whom you love the most. Anyone will be pleased to receive a gift such as this!  This blog at has a great post about making a themed gift basket.  Read about it here,

gift basket
Photo by Malcolm Garret from Pexels

An Artist is born?

There are other gift ideas which you can make inexpensively.  They can include the use of different craft supplies.  They are original paintings, floral arrangements, and even monogrammed objects.   Such as purses or clothing items. All of these require the use of numerous discount craft supplies but none that will leave you high and dry when it comes to the amount of money that you spend.

art gift giving

Everyone loves original artwork from those who are truly gifted in this area. The monogramming trend is sure to be a hit with your family and friends.  If you can work your sewing machine and help it create this magic.  No matter which craft area you choose to develop.  Know that your friends and family will appreciate your work and effort.   They are sure to display your work deliberately and with pride.

We all love to be the most creative gift giver.  So this year, why not take something that you already do well.  By turning this into an original unique gift that will make another person happy? Take advantage of the many discount craft supplies that are available to you and make the most of your talents. Take the time to design a gift idea that truly shows a loved one that you care.  She is sure to wear and display it proudly for many years to come!

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